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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Red Alert: 9 Tips For Wearing Red Lipstick

It seems that every fall we hear about the return of that sexy, pouty, ruby red lip - and this year is no exception! Red is in for fall and winter 2009 - and painting your pucker with a glossy red sheen is the quickest way to update your look!
Moreover, did you know that studies show men find women who wear red sexier - and are more likely to ask them out on a date , then women who wear any other color? It's true!
At the same time, make-up artists the world -over tell us that wearing red isn't quite as easy as flicking up the tube for a quick swipe of color. Why? More so than any other lipstick shade , if you "color outside the lines" and don't get red on right, you run the risk of looking like an escapee from the nearest puppet show! Not exactly a date magnet !
But worse still, once red lipstick hits the skin it stains - so not getting it on right means you run the risk of looking like an escapee from a puppet show who also ate too much raspberry pie on the way out the door!
The good news: There are tips and tricks to wearing red lipstick that make it easy to look on trend! What follows is what our consortium of experts say is the best way to wear red lips this year.
Red Lipstick Alert : 9 Tips For Wearing Red Lipstick!
1. Before putting on a red lipstick ALWAYS ( and we mean ALWAYS) use a lip liner first, to define your lip shape. Look for a color as close to your lipstick shade as possible and if you cant' get an exact match go lighter not darker. Use the pencil to outline your lip shape then using your pinky finger "pull" the liner down towards the center of your lip. This will help form a layer of liner that keeps lipstick in place.
2. When applying red lipstick use a lip brush and don't swipe straight from the tube. Unless your red color is very sheer, you're likely to apply way too much if you go straight from the tube to your lips. Using a brush will allow you to control the application .
3. And speaking of application, go for thin layers of color that you build to get the desired intensity. Again, this will allow you to control both the color and the depth of color. To keep red lipstick on longer - and keep it from smearing - apply the first coat, then blot, lightly dust with a translucent face powder, and then add on another layer or two of color.
4. If you're looking for that glossy red lip look, it's always better to use a matte red lipstick and add the shine with a clear gloss. First, matte colors are "harder" which means they are more likely to stay-put on your lips. And second, adding a clear gloss means you can re-gloss to keep the look fresh without piling on so much red color you start to look like you're wearing wax lips from last Halloween!
5. Recognize that red comes in myriad shades - and finding the right one ( the one that compliments your skin tone ) is essential. To this end there are a few tricks you can use. First, use other lipstick colors you already know look good on you as your guide. For example, do you look great in salmon pink but dreadful in fuchsia pink? Then look for a golden red and bypass the "blue reds". Do you normally wear brown tone lipsticks ? Then look for light burgundy red shade.
You can also use fabric as a great color guide. Pack a purse mirror and visit any fabric store . Once there zero in on the red shelf. Pull out the purse mirror and start holding reds up to your face. Look for the ones that warm your complexion and don't leave you looking ghostly pale or ghoulish. When you find the right shades ask for snippets of the fabric then take it to your local beauty emporium and match the shade. You'll be more likely to find the right color without ending up with a drawer full of "dead reds" you'll never wear!
6. When you wear red lipstick, keep blush color minimal. DO NOT, ( and this is SO important we're writing it in CAPS) :) repeat DO NOT wear red or bright pink blush with red lipstick and under no circumstances should you ever use a "pinch" of that red lipstick on your cheeks. Doing so will immediately alert the local authorities that a Cupie Doll has escaped from the nearest carnival. :) Instead, use a muted wash of color on cheeks in a neutral shade - what you want to avoid is the presence of any "obvious" color.
7. Don't over do the eye make up -particularly color. Again, you want to let your red lips do the talking here , so don't contradict what they're saying by piling color on your eyes. Again, a soft neutral palette, or even just some black mascara and a smudgy neutral liner is pretty much all you will need.
8. Do compliment your red lips with red jewelry - particularly earrings or a necklace ( not both) and choose red accessories - like shoes, belt , a handbag, or a scarf. Use them to trim a basic black, navy, tan or white outfit. What you want to avoid is "head to toe " red. Other good jewelry choices for red lipstick include plain gold or silver jewelry ( no stones) or earrings with clear or black stones. In some instances you might get away with a deep blue sapphire or emerald green earring, but only if you're wearing it with neutral color dress.
9. Do polish nails red - and if you're wearing sandals or open toe shoes, paint your toes red too. This look nicely compliments red lipstick and doesn't compete. Do, however, make certain to choose a shade of red polish that compliments or matches your red lipstick - particularly if you're an animated talker and your hands are frequently near your face.
So, there you have it ! Luscious red, on trend lips that do the talking for you ! For more round-the-clock fabulous time & money saving beauty and style advice visit - or visit us anytime at - Your Source For Fabulous Jewelry at prices you can afford!

Copyright by Colette Bouchez 2009 - All Rights Reserved.
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